The Canadian Mining Games are an annual competition providing an opportunity for mining engineering students from across Canada to showcase their mining knowledge, problem-solving and adaptive capabilities through a variety of challenges. Sponsors are able to create and develop individual events and interact directly with students during competitions to evaluate their responses to new and challenging situations. In addition to the friendly competition, both students and industry representatives are given the chance to expand their network through banquets and the career fair.
Vincent Jodoin - Chair
Nicholas Landry St-Onge - Finance Director
Sam Bergeron - Logisitics Director
Charles Bernier - Competitions Director
Simon Gervais - Sponsorship Director
Megan Magie - Chair
Claude Gagné - Vice-Chair
Rim Kouider - Director
Matt Dick - Treasurer
Ian Berdusco - Director
Interested in sponsoring this Canadian mining engineering tradition?
We want to hear from you!